Saturday, March 22, 2014

I'm working with an artist on a book cover & I can’t wait to show it off

It has been so exciting getting my book ready for publishing.  I have been working with a professional editor, and obviously I am looking at some fun cover art that really expresses the story I hope to share.  I am learning so much about publishing.  I don't think I will make millions from my book, but just the idea of having something out there - that people will read, it is so very exciting. 
I've worked so hard on my book, it’s my baby - and I don't want to send my baby out into the world under dressed.  I want the cover to convey the silly fun and humorous nature of the story - after all, when writing a memoir of your peri-menopausal health issues with a mean spirited uterus - I think humorous is really the only way to go. 
I tried a cheap approach, I used someone from Fivrr - and it showed, while it was fun to visualize a completed book, it looked amateurish and I really did not like the work at all.  I guess my mother was right, you get what you pay for.  I contacted another artist who didn't seem to understand my vision for the book.  I knew she wasn’t going to be the right one for me.  I went online to some author groups and asked for recommendations – and I was so happy to find Rachel at No Sweat Graphics.  I told Rachel about my book and what I was looking for and I almost cried, I was so happy when she sent me the first design.  We tweaked it a little, changed the size on some parts and the color on others, but overall I think this cover fits the content of the book extremely well.  I didn’t pay thousands of dollars, she was very fair and reasonable in her price. 
I read several articles online about cover art, and there were lots of warnings about making sure your cover will appeal to audiences, and I do agree for the most part, but I also think as an author you have to be happy with the cover.  Your book is such a creative personal expression of who you are, and the cover needs to reflect that – at least for me it does. 
It is nice to know that I am not alone in these struggles.  I think I am picky.  I have worked hard on my book - it is my baby, and I want to make sure my baby is dressed well before she goes out into the world.   
Keep watching my blog & Facebook page for the big Cover reveal….Coming Soon

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