Monday, August 4, 2014



When is the last time you wrote a letter?  Not an e-mail, a text or a tweet, but an old-fashioned hand-written letter.

As I was cleaning out some boxes to organize my new office, I found some stacks of old letters from my Grandma, from my Mom and even letters from my former husband who have all passed away. 
What a treat it was to sit and read those letters.  I could hear my Mom and Grandma’s voice as I read the words they had written.  I could feel their personalities shine through the big loops and swirls.  My grandmother’s penmanship, strong and clear, there was no doubt she pressed her pen firmly against the paper in her no-nonsense style.  My mother’s unmistakable wit and humor in her letters. I sat and marveled at how these simple letters brought back so many memories, more than just their words, but the letters brought back their personalities. 
It made me stop to think if I could or should be doing a better job at writing letters.  In today’s computer, blog, vlog, e-mail and social media focused society – is there even room for those wonderful old handwritten letters?  I sure hope so, because those hand-written letters are so much more personal and intimate than any e-mail ever could be.  Something about a hand-written letter brings back visions of eloquent historical figures like Thomas Jefferson, but just a simple hand-written note can be so much more meaningful to the recipient.  Instead of a form letter at Christmas time, start early and actually write a letter to loved ones, or on their birthday, or just because you are thinking of them.  Making time to sit and write to someone is a special gift they will value and appreciate.       
While writing this blog post (and yes I see the irony of typing a post about hand-writing letters) I came across a fun website where some other folks also value a hand-written letter.  If you have some time check it out. 


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