Sunday, July 28, 2019

Survival strategies for Teachers

It’s time once again for teachers to return to their beloved classrooms. The new school year is so full of possibilities. Every teacher believes that this year they will reach those struggling and challenging students, this year they will actually get through all of their curriculum, this year the principal will send informative emails instead of long and unproductive staff meetings, this year all of the parents will be kind and supportive and this year, their duty station will be in the shade. 

Here are some back to school survival tips for teachers:
1.   Scroll through Pinterest for some fun classroom organization ideas, but don’t feel any pressure to use all the ideas, remember that these teachers are freaks that obviously have no children, spouses or pets at home to care for so don’t feel any pressure. Just pick and choose the fun ideas that will work for you.

2.   Before school starts, dust off your copy of Harry Wong’s classic The First days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher. Taking some time to review these classic ideas can refresh your classroom approach – especially if you have been teaching for a while. If you don’t have a copy jump on Amazon and grab one.  You can get a used copy for $10 and it is well worth it.
3.   If you do have to attend mandatory back to school meetings and trainings, pass the time by counting the school days left in the year, and have some fun by writing them in your planner. This will come in handy later in the year when you need some motivation to get through the day. 
4.  Don’t worry about labeling your pencils or coming up with some elaborate scheme to keep track of your pencils, look for back to school sales & stock up on extras, and click on this link for a totally FREE box of pencils to start your new year. Free Pencils Be careful not to over-plan or over-organize. You don't need to add an extra stress to your life. 

5.   Find your tribe. Every teacher needs some peers who can help out when needed, even if that means just making you laugh. Plan some fun NON-school time with your tribe to enjoy each other. There is nothing more important than supportive friends.  
6.   Remind yourself each and every day that what you do matters. You are making a difference in the lives of your students. 

Have a wonderful year and thank you for being a teacher!

Saturday, July 27, 2019


One of the most difficult things in the world is watching someone you love make a mistake. You want to stop them. You want to scream and yell and make them listen to you, but ultimately you begin to understand that they must figure things out all by themselves – even if that means making mistakes.  

If you can’t stop them from making mistakes, what can you do? First, and most importantly, you can love them and be there for them.  You can listen to them and only offer advice IF THEY ASK for it. If you are a parent you will understand how difficult this part is. Parents desperately want to help, but sometimes the most helpful thing is to allow someone to make a mistake and learn a valuable lesson. 

I know in my life I have made mistakes; lots of them! Each one of those mistakes helped me to grown and learn and become the person I am today.  In a strange way I am actually grateful for my mistakes.