Friday, February 13, 2015

I'm not anti-Valentine's Day, but...

 I admit it – I don’t want my husband to buy me flowers or chocolates for Valentine’s Day.  Its not that I don’t like flowers, because I do.  Flowers are beautiful and they brighten any room.  Its not that I don’t love chocolate, because I do.  Chocolate is truly nectar of the gods; I even wrote a previous blog post about how much I love chocolate.  The reason I don’t want my husband to buy me flowers or chocolate is because I don’t need either of those things to know that he loves me.  He shows me every single day that he loves me and I feel so lucky. 
·      I know that he loves me when he brings me a drink so I don’t have to get up and go get it myself, even if he teases me about it.
·      I know that he loves me when he tells me how beautiful I look, no matter how I think I look, he sees me as beautiful.
·      I know that he loves me when he stops by a redbox to rent the really horrible movie that I wanted to watch; even though we both know it will be awful (if you haven’t seen “The Storm” it s really awful, I just can’t help it I love really bad disaster movies – I think they are hilarious). 
·      I know that he loves me because he tells me every day; he sends me text messages telling me how much he loves me and how lucky he feels to have met me or how happy I make him.
·      I know how much he loves me when I said I wanted to leave my job because I was unhappy and he encouraged me to quit.  He is my biggest cheerleader, encouraging me to pursue writing.  He always shares my blog posts with his friends and he constantly brags about me to everyone he meets.
·      I know he loves me because he cares about whatever is important to me.  He genuinely loves both of my daughters and has always wanted to provide for them.  He has embraced my crazy family and is always happy to spend time with them. 
·      I know he loves me because when I messed up and got the time of our play wrong so that we dressed and drove across town only to discover we were an hour late and had missed the performance, rather than getting mad he just looked at me and laughed and said “I love you so much.”
·      I know that he loves me because he won’t miss an ASU football or basketball game and he even watches them if he is travelling for business, sometimes even texting me throughout the game.  He proudly wears his maroon and gold Sun Devil gear because he knows it is important to me. 

I don’t need flowers or chocolates on Valentines Day because Peter makes everyday romantic, not with big grand gestures of red roses, but in the small simple ways that count each and every day. 


  1. I agree! I love this post! It's so important to show love everyday. It's more appreciated at random then on a day where everyone gets flowers and chocolate!

  2. Thanks so much Alyssa, chocolate is always a good gift choice, but it is much sweeter to get some for no reason at all :) Thanks for stopping by my blog

  3. love this post. I agree it is those everyday gestures that matter more than a date once a year. All those things you wrote about that Peter does for you, I know for fact that you do the same for him :) Happy Valentine's day every day my friend
