Monday, May 14, 2018

Big News - My Central High School Book Project

Remember I said I had big news? 

I have an incredible idea that merges my love of travel with my love for history and writing. I actually have to give credit to my daughter. I was visiting her in Tennessee and when I drove by Central High School in Columbia Tennessee and I was struck by the thought that almost every city has a Central High School.  Some are more famous than others, but each is a big part of that City's story.  These schools have seen so many changes in our American education system in the last 100 years.  My daughter was the one who brought up the idea of a book.  I want to create a book that celebrates these schools for their endurance by creating a beautiful photo book with pictures and history from a Central High School in each state across the country.  By researching and then traveling to each of the schools I will create a beautiful tribute to the American educational experience of the last century.  

I am a big history nerd and I love to write, I want to share the story of these schools. With interviews, research and photos, I want to show how each of these schools across the country has similarities and how they have played an integral part in each city's history.  From the infamous Little Rock Central High School to small lesser-known schools, each Central High School has a story to tell.  Similar projects have looked at Main Streets across the country or travelled along Route 66, but no one has focused on these Central High Schools, which have played such a big part in our communities.  

I need funds to support this project, including travel expenses across the country and the publishing costs for a large full color photo book. I anticipate at least 6-9 months of research and anywhere from 1-3 months of travel to get the photos. I have some experience with indie publishing so I feel confident about my ability to publish and market the book once I have it completed.  I am so excited about this project, these schools deserve to have their story told.  If you can help support me in this journey that would be wonderful.  I have set up a GoFundMe account for the project (the link is below).  

I am so excited to announce my new project - I would appreciate any support you can give

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